
Welcome to Tokyo. Why blog?

Why Blog?

For the next several months, I'll be living in Tokyo, the world's largest mega-city at roughly 35 million people according to United Nations statistics. It has the sprawl and expressway network of L.A., with the energy and density of New York City. We can learn much here about the future of cities. Add to that an extraordinary appreciation for design and craftsmanship, and Japan becomes an ideal setting for a student of architecture to visit.

I hope this site helps me to do a better job of keeping in touch with those who aren't near. Join me on the journey!


1 comment:

Smitty said...

You can learn a thing or two over there. They're a hard working little people. Just dont blow your cash on pachinko.

Make sure you take the opportunity to climb Mt.Fuji. You have to climb up the night before in order to see the rising sun. From that elevation, you're the first to see the sunrise.

Try to introduce phleg into the Japanese vocabulary.